I have an RUT240 that was deployed with a 4G sim for about 6 months before dropping from RMS and being uncontactable.
The device has been sent back to me from site.
I was able to connect to the RUT240 via LAN and see that the 4G sim was undetected.
Tested 4G sim in a spare RUT240, 4G sim worked correctly.
Pushed new RUT2_R_00.07.06.13 firmware via web interface, device powered on after update but was not contactable over LAN.
Looked at RUT240 Device Recovery Page.
Performed factory reset device powered on after update but was not contactable over LAN.
Booted to Bootloader menu, tried to load multiple firmware versions, after each restart device powered on after update but was not contactable over LAN.
When you try to reach the device via its LAN, have you attempted to set both automatic IP and static IP on your PC? If not, please try both options and check if you can reach the device.
Additionally, when you connect your RUT240 to the PC and execute the ipconfig command, is the IP of your router visible in the command line output?
When you attempted to access the bootloader menu, were there any issues accessing and updating the device firmware?
Have you tried accessing the device by connecting via WiFi or an Ethernet cable? I suggest trying both methods. Regarding the Ethernet cable, please try using a different one, as there is a chance the cable might be damaged.
Additionally, when you insert the cable, how do the LEDs behave?
When in bootloader menu I am able to connect via
The device correctly shows the load firmware screen and after I select firmware to load it appears to load, however the device does not become contactable after its restart.
The RUT240 is not putting out a wifi SSID, default or otherwise.
While testing the LED ethernet lights I have been able to connect to the device and am provided with the Login screen!
I connected with automatic IP settings:
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
LED status:
Power: On
2G: Off
3G: Off
4G: Off
Signal strength: All flashing once per second
LAN: Off
WAN: Off
Using the default username and password (admin admin01) I receive an error “Failed to load menu data”.
Using any other username and password provides “Invalid username and/or password! Please try again”
Could you please try logging into the router via the CLI using the default username and password (admin, admin01)? Once logged in, execute the command: hexdump -C /dev/mtd1
Let me know if the output appears as follows: 00000000 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff |................|
Or, if you see numbers, similar to this: 00000010 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 88 77 66 ff ff ff ff |RUT95610XXXX....|
If you see numbers in the output, please don’t share them here, as they may contain device-sensitive information (e.g., serial numbers, MAC addresses), which is unsafe to share on public forums.
However, if you see only f and 0, it indicates that your device has lost its manufacturing parameters. I can help you restore them via a remote session.
This is an export of the SSH session, the router seems to have forgotten who or what it is!
Could you please assist with a remote session to restore the manufacturing parameters?
Thank you for sharing the output. I have sent you a form to fill out; once completed, I will contact you privately to arrange a remote session. Please use “10072” as the ticket ID.