I checked already the hints for the RUT240 for this topic but I cannot apply them to the RUT230. Probably it is not possible on the RUT230 to change the WAN port to a second LAN port?
In the WAN Settings I remove the ticks at the interfaces, but inside the LAN settings, I have no possibility to switch WAN to LAN.
Firmware is RUT2XX_R_00.01.10 from 2019-07-12, Kernel 3.18.44
Thanks for the files, I only checked update via server, and there no update available.
Meanwhile I found my problem, WAN was set to Ethernet. I switched to Mobil, means Ethernet is now free And I could change in the LAN setting WAN port to LAN.
However, I wonder why I cannot get rid of all WAN connections. It is a radio button logic, either it is ethernet or wifi or mobil.
But basically my problem is solved and thank you so much for firmware files.