Rut200 wifi communication

We are using SIEMENS PLC 1500 which connected to its remote Io module via PROFINET cable.
But some of area we have to communicated RMOTE IO module using RUT200 via WIFI. (RMOTE IO module is moving unable to connect via PROFINET wire)
one RUT200 connected to PLC S71500 and another RUT200 connected to REMOTE IO module.
We have configured MESH in RUT200. we are able to PING PLC and Remote Module, but communication fault still occurs.
so same we have done in TPLINK model using Client and Access point it work
so kindly request you to suggest


Thank you for your inquiry.

Could you confirm if the DHCP server is disabled on the mesh node router?

Are the correct default gateway’s IP addresses configured on the PLC and module?

Additionally, you might need to add static routes on both the mesh gateway and node sides (e.g., if PLC is connected to the gateway router, then the static route on the node could look similar to this:

Would it be possible for you to provide a topology of your setup, including the IP addresses?

For configuring a wireless mesh setup, we also have a detailed wiki example here, which might be helpful if not already checked.

Best regards,

Thanks for your reply
DHCP server is disable.
we have set Default gateway on PLC side.
But at module side in our PLC neatwork, it took default gateway of PLC side.
we are unable to give another gateway IP to module.

please go through attached schematic.

I had a similar issue… PLC and RUT200. Only solved when change all RUT200 to act as router mode. MAIN RUT200 was and others RUT200 are 192.168.1.x/29.

Take a look at this link

we have to communicate S71500 PLC with Remote io module via wifi using RUT200