RUT200 - SNMP offline installation failure


  1. I have transferred the snmp.tar.gz file via the RMS service to the /tmp/snmp/ folder of the RUT200 router.
  2. Next, I extracted the compressed snmp.tar.gz file in that folder with the command: tar -xvzf snmp.tar.gz via SSH.
  3. After this, I have tried to install the SNMP package with the command opkg install --offline-root /tmp/snmp/ via SSH, but this leads to the error message: "Collected errors:
  • opkg_conf_load: Could not create lock file /var/snmp//var/lock/opkg.lock: No such file or directory."

Does the package have to be extracted to some other file path on router for the installation to succeed? Can this whole process be done via Task Manager in RMS?

Thanks in advance


If you want to install the opkg packages offline via SSH, you’ll need to manually install each .ipk package from the extracted snmp.tar.gz archive by using the command: opkg install packagename.ipk.

However, the most efficient offline installation method is through the WebUI (if accessible). To do this, navigate to System → Package Manager, select Upload package, and upload the snmp.tar.gz file directly. This will simplify the installation process.

Best Regards,


thank you for your message.

I know that the packages can be installed via the WebUI, but I have 100+ devices on which I need to install the packages, so installing via the WebUI is not an option.

I think the best option would be to run the installations with RMS Task Manager if this is possible?

If Task Manager is not an option, in what order should the *.ipk files from the snmp.tar.gz package be installed on the device if I install them via SSH?

Best regards


It should be possible to execute this installation via RMS Task Manager; however, it may not be the most optimal solution due to the need to install all 19 .ipk files in a specific order. Here’s the recommended sequence for executing the opkg install commands via SSH:

  1. opkg install libnetsnmp_5.9.1-18_mipsel_24kc.ipk libpci_3.7.0-2_mipsel_24kc.ipk libpcre_8.45-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk libtltchilli_2024-09-30-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk
  2. opkg install snmpd_5.9.1-18_mipsel_24kc.ipk
  3. opkg install snmp-mib_2024-09-27-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk snmp-mod-chilli_2024-09-27-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk snmp-mod-device_2024-09-27-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk snmp-mod-gsm_2024-09-27-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk snmp-mod-io_2024-09-27-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk snmp-mod-mwan3_2024-09-27-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk snmp-mod-port_2024-09-27-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk snmp-mod-sqm_2024-09-27-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk snmp-mod-vlan_2024-09-27-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk snmp-mod-wireless_2024-09-27-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk snmptrap_2024-06-19-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk
  4. opkg install snmp_2024-09-27-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk
  5. opkg install vuci-app-snmp-api_1_mipsel_24kc.ipk vuci-app-snmp-ui_2024-10-30-d77581c51b-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk

Through Task Manager, you could try placing these commands into five separate tasks within the same task group, setting the timeout to around 30-45 seconds per task, and then monitoring if that setup works as expected.

Best regards,


When I try to extract the snmp.tar.gz package via Task Manager with the command “tar -xzf snmp.tar.gz” it fails. Should I be able to extract snmp.tar.gz via Task Manager with that command?

Or do I have to upload all *.ipk files separately via Task Manager to the device and then execute opkg install commands?

Best regards

Could you try using the command tar -xvzf snmp.tar.gz to extract the package? In some cases, the tar -xzf command alone may not work as expected.

Best regards,

I have tested both commands with same result. I have also tested via SSH and CLI and both commads does extract the package as expected but via RMS Task Manager it fails for some reason. How do I make sure the tar -xvzf snmp.tar.gz command via RMS Task Manager is executed in /tmp/snmp/ directory where the snmp.tar.gz is located. I tried to make task with cd /tmp/snmp/ command before tar -xvzf snmp.tar.gz command without success.

Bets regards


I’ve looked into this, and unfortunately, it is not possible to unarchive a .tar.gz file via RMS Task Manager – it only works through SSH. The RMS system currently does not fully support changing directories or executing the extraction commands in specific paths for this type of operation.

If you need to proceed with this task, the only way to reliably unarchive the file is via SSH.

Best regards,

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