RUT200 custom firmware

Is it possible to integrate custom firmware on rut200? If yes what programming language are they using?


Yes, it is possible. Please check our wiki pages for more information:

Best Regards,

But as I understood I can change only predefined settings, I can’t write completely different firmware right?

Be advised, that certain Teltonika devices can run “original” openwrt. Unfortunately, not the RUT200. However, I have a large fleet of RUT955, running “official” openwrt, and lot of additional custom code, I have done in LUA. I.e.for fast ModBus/RTU to lower level, and mqtt to AWS. I could imagine, that for few custom programs, RUTOS on the RUT200 can be used to run these custom programs, done in LUA. LUA has the advantage, to be quite simple, and not needing compilation.

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