RUT140 as access point

Hello! I want to use the rut140 as access point in my network.

Question is, can I disable the firewall so my external devices (RUT140: WAN) and internal devices (RUT140: wifi) can communicate / both directions?
Disable modem, router, dhcp. Only bridge from WAN to wifi is needed.
Is it possible?

TY in advice, MJ


For your use case, if the WiFi AP support WDS (Wireless distribution system), it’s best to use the following configuration: Wireless distribution system (WDS) - Teltonika Networks Wiki

But if it does not, then the following configuration can also be used to create a pseudo-bridge between WiFi AP network and RUT140 LAN: RUTOS relay / Wi-Fi extender / repeater / bridge configuration - Teltonika Networks Wiki

Best regards,