Ich habe das RMS von Teltonika im Einsatz.Leider funtioniert dieses seit ein paar Tagen nicht mehr
Können Sie hier weitrhelfen?
Welche Daten benötigen Sie von mir
Viele Grüße
Hans Ulrich Geck
Thank you for reaching out.
Could you please provide the following information to help better troubleshoot the issue?
- What connection state is displayed when you navigate to Services → Cloud Solutions → RMS in the Status section?
- What device status is shown in RMS? (e.g., is it “Offline”, “Not activated”, etc.?)
If the device WebUI cannot be reached remotely, please try sending the following SMS commands to the router:
<admin password> rms_off
<admin password> rms_on
<admin password> rms_connect
If the router still does not reconnect, please send us the output of the following command:
<admin password> rms_status
Furthermore, if you have access to device CLI/SSH could you execute the following/etc/init.d/rms_mqtt restart
Best regards,
Status wird mit
Down (Device monitoring is turned off)
Es handelt sich hierbei um eine RUT X50
Ich habe zugriff auf die Webui
Es handelt sich um einen RUT X50
Could you please confirm if device monitoring is enabled in RMS? You can check this by navigating to Administration → Companies → View Company Details:
Additionally, please try disabling and then re-enabling the RMS connection through the WebUI by going to Services → Cloud Solutions → RMS:
Note: Don’t forget to press Save & Apply after every change.
Let me know if this resolves the issue or if you need further assistance.
Best regards,
Vielen Dank für die Hilfe.
Der Zugang über das RMS System funktioniert wieder
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