RUT X11 Sticker problem

Hi, what is the possibility that as I bought RUT X11, and the configuration is completely different from the one on the sticker?
The wifi name is different, the password does not match.
The password for LAN access also does not work.
Reset to factory settings does not change anything.
MAC address do not match.
The router looks new.

Have you tried contacting the ‘Seller’, they might be able to enlighten you, if they wanted to?

Apologies up front if you already know this but if you’re new to Teltonika, then be aware that the reset button is a 2-stage button … see RUTX11 Device Recovery Options which also gives you other things to try.


As @Mike mentioned, you should try factory resetting the device again. Additionally, is all the information incorrect or just the wireless settings? Can you log in to the device when it’s connected via an Ethernet cable?

Best regards,

Yes, I know - the router was reset in all ways, several times.
All the information from the sticker does not match(wifi SSiD, wifi password, SSH password etc.)
Login via IP(www) as well as SSH also does not work with sticker data.
I’ve uploaded some older firmware to it (1 level down) - also nothing.
The MAC address from the sticker also does not match with the one I read from the command line.

I suspect two scenarios, either someone swapped the center of the device on purpose, or a manufacturing error at the factory(which I doubt).


It is more possible that your device was shipped with the wrong device information. We should check it. Since it contains private information, we’ll handle it on a separate platform. Instructions for accessing it have been sent to the email you registered for this forum.

Best regards,

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