RUT problem 955 loss of SIM1 PIN configuration after reboot

Hi everyone, I’m encountering the problem in question on the various recent firmwares.
After configuring the pin of SIM 1 everything works normally, but if I try to restart the RUT955 the first restart works normally, but always on the second restart the PIN configuration on SIM1 is deleted, this does not happen for SIM2, try resetting default restore configuration, but nothing changes.
Does anyone have a solution?
I attach Troubleshooting file.
Thank you


Could you please confirm if you’ve encountered this issue with the latest 7.06.15 firmware version? You can download the latest firmware from our wiki page: RUT955 Firmware Downloads - Teltonika Networks Wiki.

If I understand correctly, the SIM1 PIN deletes itself after the device has rebooted twice. If that’s the case, please let me know if updating to the latest firmware resolves the issue. If not, I will send you a form so we can contact you privately to review the troubleshoot file.

Best Regards,

Hello Marija,

The firmware is 7.06.15.
Yes, the SIM1 PIN deletes itself after the device has rebooted twice.
I solved it by removing the PIN from the SIM with the command gsmctl -A ‘AT+CLCK=“SC”,0,“insert pin code”,1’



I’m glad to hear you resolved the issue!

Is there anything else I can help you with?

Best Regards,

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