RUT 241 patchy signal strength in RMS

As can be viewed in the below pictures in the RMS portal our RUT241´s get this patchy signal strength under the Metrics tab. Its only the 241´s we have some RUTX11 and one RUT200 and they get full lines where you can see the signal strength at all times. Is this a bug or have i missed something in the configs/settings?





Could you confirm which firmware version is currently installed on your RUT241? If it is from an older release, please ensure it is upgraded to the latest 7.12 firmware version.

Furthermore, have you noticed any data connection interruptions during the monitoring period? Did the device lose internet access at any point? Also, could you provide that RUT241 order code or LTE module model?

Best regards,

Yes, they are running 7.12 and no net outage. Its also not one but 6 241´s and they all have the same problem. But our other RUT200 and RUTX11 does not have the same issue.

EDIT: I see now that one RUT241 that has 7.10.4 firmware does not have this issue. So it would rather look like 7.12 is the culprit?