RMS Session Expires after 45 Minutes on RUT956


I am currently using RMS to access RUT956, and I’ve noticed that the maximum duration for an RDS session is 45 minutes. While I understand that it can time out after 45 minutes of inactivity, I often find myself actively working when this happens. Unfortunately, this leads to the loss of unsaved work, and I have to log in again.

I’ve attached screenshots for reference.

Is there a way to extend the session duration so that it doesn’t time out while I’m working?

Thank you in advance for your assistance!


To access your RUT956 for an extended period, I recommend accessing WebUI/CLI remotely in Management → Devices, next to your device.

Here you will able select for how long you want this remote access to be active:

Best regards,

Hi Marija,

Thank you for your detailed explanation on accessing the web UI for the RUT 956. I realize I may not have explained my question clearly.

I’m trying to access a Dell PowerEdge server running Windows Server 2022, which is connected to the RUT 956. However, the RDP session to this server is restricted to 45 minutes, and I need to extend its duration.

Could you please suggest any methods to achieve this?

Thank you!


Thank you for the clarification.

To access a device connected to your router, you can create a VPN hub, which allows for continuous remote sessions without time restrictions. Detailed instructions on setting up a VPN hub can be found on our wiki page here: RMS VPN Hubs.

Please let me know if you have any further questions or need assistance with the setup.

Best regards,

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