RMS Page -Dynamic columns in overview

i would like to ask if there could be upgrade in term to have Dynamic columns in RMS device overview - eg that you can choose the wide of the column in order to see all the information.

for example - I don’t need “Mobile connection type” so wide. But I would appreciate to see full name on the router


These columns are meant to have a specific width based on the information they display. Unfortunately, there’s no option to adjust column widths.

Best regards,


Hi Marijus,
if they should have, then it is not working as you can see based on the picture I provided.


I want to let you know that currently, there isn’t a way to do what you’re asking. However, I’ll pass on your request to our R&D team for consideration. Thank you for sharing your suggestion with us.

Best regards,

Would be enough just if the column would be automatically wide enough to make visible the whole name.

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