Recover RUT955 from failed firmware upgrade

During an firmware update from the webgui, my device lost power.
Now it doesn’t boot anymore, but still I can boot into the Booloader menu as described here:
I can upgrade the bootloader with /uboot.html with a uboot_for_tlt_rut9xx_3.0.1_webui.bin and also upgrade the firmware with /index.html with RUT9XX_R_00.06.08.5_WEBUI.bin. The latter works only with some legacy firmwares I tried like the mentioned one, but all versions 7 and above fail with “incorrect checksum”.
Anyway, the device still is unreachable. Also, a firmware reset (holding reset button für >10s) doesn’t work.
What other chances are there to recover this device?

Ok, accidently (or by trying really everything that came to my mind) I figured out: I had to remove the microSD card!
Teltonika, please put that into Bootloader menu - Teltonika Networks Wiki
This would have saved me hours!
As researched now, I’m not the first guy asking You for that!
RUT955 recovery help - Crowd Support Forum | Teltonika Networks

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