Read modem state through SSH


since your website and the wiki is not working at the moment (website has no certificate?!) I am asking this in the community.

I like to read some current data from the modem by using SSH:
Network type (GSM, LTE…)
Mobile data sent and received for both SIM cards (month and 24h if possible)
currently active SIM card

Thanks in advance


You can access all this information using the ubus command via SSH or CLI.

Let’s take an example of fetching signal values:

  1. Start by running this command:

    ubus list

    This command provides a list of all possible callable objects. It will look something like this:

  2. Once you find the object that stores the values you’re interested in (for instance, gsm.modem0), you need to know what information this object holds. To do this, run:

    ubus -v list gsm.modem0

    Here, the desired information is under “get_signal_query.”

  3. To retrieve the information, use this syntax:

    ubus call gsm.modem0 get_signal_query

    The output will be similar to this:


Best regards,

Thanks for the information, can you post a list of AT commands? Do you have information why website and wiki are not working at the moment?

BEst regards


Here’s a list of AT commands you can refer to: AT Commands List

Just to let you know, the Teltonika wiki and website are currently up and running: down_ Current problems and status. — Mozilla Firefox down_ Current problems and status. — Mozilla Firefox

Best regards,

Ok thanks, one more question: if I use msctl -e to read number of bytes sent. What needs to be set to get the value for the two sim card slots?

Sorry for the many questions but to me the sides seem to be unreachable


It seems the website is undergoing maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience. It should be back online shortly.

Best regards,