This is why I asked if you have the option to communicate with us directly, as this would allow us to share information securely. There’s also a ‘contact us’ form available here.
System logs can be found in System → Administration → Troubleshoot. You can view system logs from the browser, or download a full troubleshoot file that contains different logs and device configurations.
The following commands can be used from CLI to get other information:
# To see the routing table, you can use:
ip r show
route -n
# To see arp table:
ip neigh
arp -a
iptables -nvL
iptables -nvL | grep icmp
#tcp dump
opkg update
opkg install tcpdump
# run tcpdump on LAN and capture pings
tcpdump icmp -c 50
# run tcpdump on mobile interface
tcpdump -i wwan0 -n icmp -c 50
# to same tcpdump to file so that you can download it later. For example, using WinSCP to download and Wireshark to open
tcpdump -i wwan0 -n icmp -c 50 -w /tmp/capture.pcap
#mtr package that basically combines ping and traceroute.
opkg update
opkg install mtr
However, since you mentioned the network subnet assigned, then the first thing I would suggest is checking out a topic here where one of the users had a similar issue and worked together with our RnD to resolve it. He also provided a quite extensive explaination and the solution to his issue. Your issue is slightly different, but it may be worth checking the same things (arp and mobile script) that are discussed in the post. This may give you a few hints.
Kind Regards,