Problems with RutX10

We have a rut950 (it’s just for domestic use) plus a rutX10 as an extender for the garage office. Everything worked well for couple of years until recently. The rutX10 very quickly began to slow down, and after rebooting it connects for a few seconds and drops again. Both devices have been reset to factory settings and I believe they are both up to date on firmware. I noted the x10 was no longer active on the RMS, we removed the device and added again, however it will not activate. Nor did it display an authorisation code, when you press the red triangle it states the password is incorrect. It is not. Probably shouldn’t have installed such a complicated system as we know very little about IT set-up. Maybe the X10 just no longer works? is If anyone can help please. Thank you.

Hi Madcarmel,

Welcome to Teltonika Networks Community!

Have you tried logging in to the WebUI of the device using the password you are putting when adding it to RMS? This is to confirm that you are using the correct password. After factory reboot, password might change to default one. With regards to authentication code, have you tried leaving it blank while adding it in RMS?

Make sure to check the following while adding the device.

  1. Sufficient credits are available in RMS.
  2. Services are enabled for monitoring.
  3. Successful internet connection on the device.



Thank you for your response. I have checked your suggestions, all is in order, but still no joy adding the device. I don’t know how exactly, but I managed to get a decent connection back to the garage. I’ll leave well alone now as it’s working. After waiting 7 years, we are having fibre installed today. Will keep this system as a backup. Thanks again for your time. Kind regards.

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