Problems with HTTP remote access on device but SSH works well


I use a RUTX10 (firmware RUTX_R_00.07.09.3) for remote connecton on and Linux databox.

Logging in via SSH (port 22) is no problem and works great.

If you remote on HTTP (port 3000), you see only 2 secondes the mainstream and then it’s gone.
Also when you copy the link int he browers.

Which appointments need to be adjusted

Thanks for your help


Thank you for reaching out.

To connect to your Linux databox remotely via the HTTP protocol, you should use port 80 (the default HTTP port) instead of 3000.

If you’d prefer to use port 3000 for remote HTTP access, you will need to create a Port Forwarding rule in the router’s WebUI. You can do this by navigating to Network → Firewall → Port Forwards. To access from the WAN on port 3000, please refer to the screenshot below:

Hope this helps and let me know if you need further assistance or have additional questions.

Best regards,


I add the Port Forwards.


But there is still no improvement.

Why not then?

It is make by a company, i don’t know yet.


Thank you for your response.

If you plan to access the device remotely via HTTP using Port Forwarding, you won’t be able to reach directly through a browser. Instead, you will need to use the public IP address of your router along with port 3000.

Additionally, could you clarify why port 80 wasn’t used in the RMS remote HTTP access settings instead of port 3000? Port 80 would typically provide a simpler and more convenient way to access the device remotely over the HTTP protocol.

Best regards,

That’s what I meant with my previous post :+1:

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