PPP Help: Connect Campbell Scientific CR350 via TRB142 to MQTT Server

Hi All

Pretty new to forums and working with Campbell Scientific and Teltonika products.
We have multiple CR350 Data Loggers at various sites, which I would like to connect to an MQTT server.
Data Logger has RS232 Ports and can support PPP and MQTT
Trying to enable PPP on the data logger have the TRB142 connect via RS232.
Any help would be appreciated. Cheers

I’m trying to do pretty much the same thing with a TRB256 and various Cambells dataloggers using the RS232 port. I’m trying to replicate the current functionality we have using PPP over RS232 between the logger and an Intercel SAM4T modem, but at this stage I haven’t had much luck. MQTT is a goal for the future, especially once I move into using the ethernet port and API calls. For context, we use SIMs with fixed IP addresses within a private APN, so I’ve setup the WAN connection accordingly and it connects to and registers on the cellular network just fine.

Things I’ve tried so far:

  • Putting the WAN connection into NAT mode, connects to the cellular network fine but if I navigate to the SIM’s IP address I don’t get access to the logger’s web interface as I do with the SAM4T setup (so there’s something not right about the connection between the modem and logger)
  • Setting the WAN connection to Passthrough mode, results in loss of webUI, and requires a reset of the modem to get it back (happy to be told/shown otherwise, because restoring a backup configuration has been problematic at times…)
  • Enabling the Console serial utility allows me to use serial comms by either hard-coded if-then loops in the logger program - for instance, I can log in to the shell by waiting for “TRB256 login:”
    and “Password:” prompts to appear on the serial port - or I use a Public variable to send commands to the CLI. However, if I try to send the dial string ATD99**1# I get a NO CARRIER response (while the webUI shows that the mobile connection is up)

I’ve got a feeling that the ‘Over IP’ serial utility might be the solution but I haven’t had much luck there either (yet). I’ve read anything that I thought might be relevant on these forums but haven’t found the right combination just yet. Fingers crossed we can get each other over the line! :slight_smile:

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