Hi I am quite new to port forwarding stuff.
I have fan console the supplier has given us url 192.xxx.xxx.xx:3000/main. When I connect to there panel locally and set ip address in their ip range I am able to access the url and can see web page.
But our problem is that, our internal ip rage is different complete network is in our ip range. i can not change my ip range.
I want to access web page form our cental desktop but it in differnt ip range than web console.
I have rut951 router. i have connected internet cable which is on our ip range to wan port of router and lan port of router is connected to network switch of fan console.
I want to do port forwarding. but i dont know how to that.
Our ip range is 172.xxx.xxxx.xxx and web console is 192.xxx.xxx.xx:3000/main. And i wan access this web page/url from main pc which is on our ip range.
i want to know what will be source ip and external ip, internal ip
source ip protocal and port
internal ip protocaol and port.