Port forwarding, 2 devices, same ports

Hi guys.
I have port forwarding working well for one device (industrial PLC) on my RUT950.
I need to add a second device, with a different IP address but it uses the same ports for comms.
As I understand you cant use the same ports for more than one device.
I can get it to work if I turn off the port forwards on the first device from inside the RUT, but I want to avoid that, how can this be achieved?
Can the router support a traffic rule based on the device names? The device names/part number are different.
Thanks in advance, Mat.

Hello Matt,

Thank you for your inquiry.

It seems that you might be using the same external ports for both devices. Please note that external ports must differ. You can map different external ports to the same internal ports on each device if needed.

For example:

  • Device 1: External Port 8080 → Internal Port 80 → Device 1 IP
  • Device 2: External Port 8081 → Internal Port 80 → Device 2 IP

Unfortunately, the router does not support traffic rules based on device names, as port forwarding operates at the IP and port level. Refer to the screenshot below for a setup example:

If you have further questions or require assistance, feel free to ask.

Best regards,