Packet analyzer?

I have Router RUT955.
Is there a way to see data passing through a certain port
Something like listening/reading the data?
?sniffer port? Packet analyzer?



The simplest answer would be to install tcpdump package and start using it. Refer to manual to figure out what you want to capture and how you want the capture to look like. If you want to, you can also write capture into a pcap file and then, as TeWe suggested, take a look at the capture using Wireshark.

Thank you for your answer

I don’t understand very good communication and I tried Wireshark
I don’t see the communication on the port I’m checking (port 80)
I think because I am connected in parallel
Between the Siemens controller and the router and they talk to each other
Is there a way to redirect all communication on port 80 to a port that I can see on my computer?

Best Regards

+1 for tcpdump. I think it’s preinstalled, no need for a package.

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