Opkg repositories - Packages in recent 7.x firmwares?

Wondering what the advised method for installing additional packages is in recent firmwares e.g. 7.7 or 7.8

I had a need for iftop today and noticed I could not install it as I did previously using

opkg update
opkg install iftop

I had to manually select the opkg feed file using

opkg -e /etc/opkg/openwrt/distfeeds.conf update
opkg -e /etc/opkg/openwrt/distfeeds.conf install iftop

Is this change intentional or is there any way to adjust it so the packages are available for installation via the GUI?

Uh, ChatGPT is that you? edit: looks like mods deleted the message?

Hi luckman212,

The opkg update/install command, by default, let’s you install 3rd party openwrt packages that are known, tested, and compatible with Teltonika. But in case other 3rd party packages are necessary in the solution, then the user can opt for opkg -e command.

Let me know if this clarified your thoughts.


Okay, no problem. Yes I understand how it works now. It’s different than in the past, but as long as I know to use -e then yes I would consider this “solved”.


To proceed on installing 3rd party packages that is available in the openwrt server, kindly run this commands.

opkg -e /etc/opkg/openwrt/distfeeds.conf update
opkg -e /etc/opkg/openwrt/distfeeds.conf install <package>


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