OpenVPN RUT 906


I am trying to create OpenVPN Server-Client architecture with two RUT 906 using mobile connection as on the example:

I have public static ip addresses on both of my routers. I am trying with TUN
Server configuration

  1. Enable the instance
  2. Select Tunnel mode
  3. Select TCP protocol
  4. Select Port
  5. Select TLS authentication
  6. Set Keep alive period
  7. Set virtual network IP address
  8. Set virtual network Netmask
  9. If you generated certificates on the device, turn this option ON
  10. Select Certificate authority
  11. Select Server certificate
  12. Select Server key
  13. Select Diffie Hellman parameters

Client configuration

  1. Enable the instance
  2. Select Tunnel mode
  3. Select TCP protocol
  4. Select Port
  5. Select TLS authentication
  6. Enter Public IP address of the Server (WAN IP of RUT1)
  7. Set Keep alive period
  8. Enter server network IP address (If you wish to access it)
  9. Enter server network Netmask
  10. Select Certificate authority
  11. Select Client certificate
  12. Select Client key

After generating all the certificated like in the following example
and downloading them from Certificate manage they were imported on their places on the Server and Client side. The server has started without problem and is still active but the client wasn’t able to connect.
I have tried with Windows OpenVPN Connect as a client as well but the result is same.
Can you please help?

Hello and welcome to the Teltonika Community!

Thank you for reaching out.

I understand that you’re experiencing issues connecting your OpenVPN client to the OpenVPN server. To assist you more effectively, I would like to clarify a few details:

  • Could you provide a network topology of your setup? This will help in understanding the structure of your connection.
  • You mentioned configuring OpenVPN in TUN mode, whereas the wiki solution you referenced is for TAP mode. Could you confirm which mode you are trying to configure? The setup differs between the two.
  • The wiki solution is based on a static key configuration, but you mentioned using certificates. Are you authenticating with TLS (certificates) or a static key?

Additionally, to better analyze the issue, could you provide us with your OpenVPN configuration files? You can obtain these files by navigating to WebUI > Services > VPN > OpenVPN and clicking Export next to your VPN configuration. Before attaching the files, please ensure that any sensitive information is removed.

If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out. I look forward to assisting you.

Best regards,