OpenVPN and web API

Hi there,

I have created Open VPN via webUI with HMAC key and CRT file.

I developed .NET app and was able to read OpenVPN profile via web API calls, but CA and HMAC fields are empty. I can read only paths (in etc/vuci_uploads/…).

How to download/read key and cert using web API (

Kind regards!

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Hi mursel,

Can you try this command /api/certificates/config to download all certificates, keys, DH parameters, and CA? More information in this link: Teltonika Networks Web API

Let me know if this helps.



This didnt helped. Heres the response:

{“success”:true,“data”:{“generated”:[ ],“generating”:[ ]}}

Cert and Hmac are in “/etc/vuci-uploads”. When I create manually OpenVPN client profile this is where RutOS save these files.

I have already created a ticket in your HelpDesk system.


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