Not able to tranfer RMS packs to subcompanies

I have purchased 10 pcs RMS 10-year management packs for our parent company, but I do not have the possibility to use these in the subcompanies. It is a litte strange because the subcompanies are able to use normal credits fram to parent company. What am I missing here?
I have no problem using the the packs in the parent company.


These packs isn’t available to subcompanies by default, they need to be allocated. If you need to move resources within your subcompanies, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Companies window.
  2. Look for the arrow icon pointing downward near the “Add” button.
  3. Click the arrow to reveal additional options.
  4. Choose “Move resources.”

2024-03-12-15-15-41-Teltonika RMS _ Remote management system — Mozilla Firefox

In the new pop-up window, you’ll be able to select the specific resource you want to move and configure any other necessary settings. Remember to log in with an account that has the appropriate permissions to manage Management packs.

Best regards,


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