NordVPN on RUTX12

I am trying to set up my RUTX12 as a NordVPN client. I have followed the guide in this video:

I imported an openVPN configuration file supplied by NordVPN and added the appropriate Service Credentials (manual setup) from NordVPN into the User name / password fields in the RUTX12 Open VPN configuration page.

After saving the configuration and waiting for a minute, the OpenVPN configuration page shows that the VPN is connected. However, there is no internet connection from devices attached to the RUTX12’s network. If I disable the VPN, the internet connection is restored.

Any ideas what could be wrong with my setup? Thanks.


Have you tried using the already implemented NordVPN VPN endpoint? Did you experience the same internet connectivity loss when using them?

2024-05-13-12-19-29-TCR100 - Teltonika Networks — Mozilla Firefox

Kind regards,

Hi @Marijus - thank you for your reply. I think I tried using the Nord VPN option, but I will try again. Unfortunately I am currently remote from the router and cannot check this until about two weeks from now.


I had the same issue.
Solution:Please update manualy DNS on interface which you are using for internet and write NordVPN DNS IP as below:

It should work after this update.

All the best,

Thank you Sebastian - I will try that as soon as possible.