Please could someone assist me with the following? I am new to Telkonica devices.
So, I have a setup that I need to configure on a RUT200 device, where the WAN port is connected to our company LAN and a company SIM inserted on the GSM side. The LAN port is connected to an equipment monitoring device.
What I need to do, but can’t seem to get it right.
I need the company LAN to be visible through the WAN port to the LAN port.
Should the company network have an issue, the RUT should failover to GSM
Simple and easy, but I can’t get it right. I can get the failover to work, but I can’t “see” the company network from the LAN port.
Your assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.
The 10.10.10.xx is just and example. I want to be able to ping the company network on the WAN port through the LAN port of the RUT200 and then fail over to MOBILE if the WAN connection goes down for some reason.
The NET Device will have a static IP of the company network. I want to be able to “see” the NET Device from anywhere on the company network. The NET Device must have access to the company network
again, you can’t have 10.10.10.X on both your WAN and LAN side
even if the Xs are different for WAN and LAN.
And you can’t just simply see the NET device in your company
network because it is hidden behind the router via NAT.
About the failover configuration: in the wiki is a chapter for the RUT200
for StarLink Failover Configuration which should contain what you want.
Just replace StarLink with your company network.
So, then what is the point of this device then? So the person that bought 10 of these things wasted their money?
Why can I get internet access through the wifi, but not through the LAN?
I am looking for config ideas, or where to look. I am NOT looking for being told what can, or cannot be done without some context of the programing of the device.
So, you saying that I cannot give my external network device connected to the LAN port a static IP? And I shouldn’t have a static IP on the WAN?
There is a function of “Passthrough”, but doesn’t seem to work.
I have the failover working fine. That seems to be the only thing that does work. Though it doesn’t work properly if you set the WAN to function as a LAN
If your RUT is in passthrough that basically means that the endpoint,
i.e. your NET device has to decide which way to reach the internet.
Either via the RUT’s internet connection on 3G/4G or via your company
network. The NET device would have to change it’s default gateway accordingly,
and I doubt it’s capable of that.
You just wrote about Wifi - how does that suddenly come into play?
Your requirements are totally unclear, and as long as you don’t give an
understandable explanation I’m unable to help you.
What is there to not understand? As far as I can see, it should be a simple set up.
I only brought up the wifi as I only used it to test, to figure out why I can see the company network through a device connected to the wifi, but cannot see the network through the LAN port.
Let me try and explain it in a more simpler way… Though I thought the diagram would help.
I have the RUT connected to a company switch via its WAN port.
I have a company SIM that is provisioned for the Company VPN
I have a “laptop/PC/Network device” connected to to the LAN port
I want to:
Set a static IP on the RUT in the company IP range
Set a static IP on the “Laptop/PC/Network device” in the company IP range
Have network capability (eg: see company resources) on the “Laptop/PC/Network device” through the RUT via its WAN port
Failover to MOBILE if WAN looses connectivity.
At this time, with everything connected, I can only see company resources via MOBILE with the WAN disconnected.
I really do not know how to explain this any simpler…