Network architecture - advice sought

Since it has been resolved that my network is growing beyond the capabilities of a single RUTXR1 (read here) , I’m seeking some high level advice or comments on how to upgrade my network.

RUTXR1 is the main router, with starlink WAN and 4g backup.
This feeds 3 other switches, each have their own VLAN and port on the XR1. Each switch is in a different room of the site. Each switch has ~200 clients that have low bandwidth requirements - essentially IOT nodes.

I’m considering a small router in each room to provide the routing for that room, but to tie them back to the RUTXR1 for internet connectivity. I’d need to maintain high level admin access to all devices from the RUTXR1.
I’m thinking that this reduces the load on the RUTXR1 in terms of simultaneous connections - is this a correct assumption? Or does the traffic account for the majority of the connections, and handing the routing out to each room (~200 devices each) not really reduce much load on the XR1?

Starlink -> XR1 - >   sub router 1
                - >   sub router 2
                - >   sub router 3
                - >   sub router 4

Perhaps the answer is to get a more powerful single router?

Part of our growth and requirements is to demand more and faster simultaneous connections ( we perform mass sweeps across all devices simultaneously to control various site parameters - eg instructing devices to control things like turning lighting on and off all at once).

Grateful for any advice on additional Teltonika products that fit in to this picture.


In the end, the “Main” router serves as the WAN source for all 3 routers, each connected to around 200 clients. This means it’s handling traffic from over 600 devices, which isn’t sustainable or feasible. I recommend considering a more enterprise-level router that can handle this volume of clients, and even more if you plan to expand your client base. Currently, we don’t have such a powerful device in our portfolio, so you may need to explore other solutions.

Best regards,

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