Nest Camera with RUT 240


I purchased RUT240 (USA) to use it with Nest cameras and smoke detectors on my boat.

Router itself works just fine, I can use it to surf internet.

the problem is Nest cameras connection. I tried both Gen 1 and Gen 2 nest cameras, none work with RUT240 (both work fine on my house wifi network)

I found this article

and realized that nest cameras might need special configuration for RUT240.

Would, you, please, advise/help me how to make nest cameras work with RUT 240?

Please help


To connect Nest cameras or any other web cameras externally, you typically need to open or forward certain ports. Could you please provide details from the manual regarding the external connection requirements for your brand of cameras? Specifically, which ports need to be opened, forwarded, or if there are any other instructions?

Best regards,

Hello Marijus,

I got your email. Unfortunately there are no such thing as “Manual with technical details” in the box. So I did google search and submitted you my overview.

thanks for helping!


Nest camera’s normaly don’t use port forwarding/special config for the router like the Hikvision, They are cloud based.
Things i would try with the nest.

  • create the same wifi name and password on the boat as on your home where the cameras are connected. And move the camera to the boat to check if they are connecting
  • Disable 5Ghz WiFI
  • Check this page Change camera and doorbell Wi-Fi network - Google Nest Help
  • Create an seperate Nest Home/ account for the Nest camera’s on the boat in the Nest app. (Nest devices can created an network betweendevices) And factory reset your device
  • factory reset your device

I tried all these week ago, Did not help.

Is there RUT 240 admin documentary explains the meaning of each field when creating port forwarding?
Say, I want to open port 11095 for the camera - what values should I put in each of the fields of the form?


Here’s a quick guide on how to open a port on your router: link to the guide.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

Best regards,


So, let say I need to open port 11095 for the camera. How do I fill each field on that form?
What is “Zone”? What is “source zone”, what is “destination zone” and what is “Action”? what do I entere there to make port forwarding for the camera?

First of all, are you sure that your cam is properly connected to your RUT240’s 2.4 GHz WiFi?
Asking as all the steps mentioned by Tjeerd13 are the good ones in case of “I can’t connect my webcam” issues.


Make sure you’re running on the latest firmware for RUT240 which is 07.06.10.

Google Nest support site says that you typically don’t need any specific port opening, because the cam is doing this itself by using UPnP service:

Port forwarding or port opening - Google Nest Help

It might be the case that UPnP was enabled on your home router (without you even noticing it) and now you need to do the same on your RUT240.
The thing is - UPnP is not there by default, you need to install UPnP as an extra package.
But don’t worry - all nicely described here:

Can you try that?

Although I don’t have a Nest Camera, my limited understanding is that once setup, your camera connects to a Google server to send / receive data and your phone app will communicate with the camera via the Google server.

However, some of the Google products require port 11095 for the initial setup of the device and it’s registration with their service / server.

I’m not familiar with the UI on a RUT240, but let’s have a go anyway at setting this up. Turn the camera off.

First we need to setup a static lease IP for the camera. This is so the Port Forward rule, that we set up later, will always be able to find ‘that’ camera at ‘that’ IP. In the WebUI at NETWORK > DHCP, click the ‘add’ and enter in your camera’s unique MAC address, a unique IP address of your choosing (on the lan) and give your camera a name. Don’t forget to click ‘Save & Apply’ In the example below, you can see I’ve given the MAC address of the camera an IP of and called it ‘Camera1’. Note: I’d recommend doing this anyway.

Next we’re going to create and set up the Port Forward rule. In the WebUI at NETWORK > FIREWALL > PORT FORWARDS in the ‘Add a new instance’ boxes - we give the instance a name, the port we want to open, the destination IP of the camera that we set up above and lastly, by telling it to use the same port number on the camera (No rewrite). Here I am assuming that the camera also uses port 11095, but if this doesn’t work, try changing this internal port to HTTP (80) or HTTPS (443).

When you click on ‘Save & Apply’, you’ll get a pop-up … just enable it, check it follows the same pattern below, and ‘Save and Apply’.

And there you have it … your port forward is now created.

Use this same port forward to set up each camera in turn, just changing the internal IP address to be that of the camera being set up, after you have created a static lease for it.

As an addendum, leaving ports open IS NOT good security practice, so after you have set up your cameras, you can EITHER a) Disable the port forward OR b) delete it. Also, if you have your camera streaming 24/7 it will chew through your data. I don’t know how configurable Nest cameras or their server is but if you are getting jittery motion when you view it, then you’ll have to play around with such things as video stream resolution, frame rates etc.

I am also assuming that the Nest solution will work if you are using a SIM for your data with CGNAT i.e. you don’t have a FIXED public IP.

If this doesn’t work then you have exhausted my knowledge of Nest cameras … which wasn’t a lot to start off with.



I also don’t own a Nest device but as Google is writing in the link I provided - a manual port forwarding should not be required as long as UPnP is working - which RUT240 is not doing by default.
But installing UPnP package and configure that properly sounds the better option to me than a maybe/maybe not required manual port port forwarding and later to not forget checking/testing if still required?

@TeWe … are there any security concerns with having UPnP active on devices? There certainly used to be. It’s been a long time since I really ‘got my hands dirty’, so things may have moved on some.

I have UPNP installed.
I found it in web ui and set “Esabled” to true. Apply and Save

Then I tried to install camera. All the same: Installation was ok and said "Device is Ready up until it tried to download updates. At this point it fails and camera still not functional. Any attempt to continue and resume installation not working.

Is there any further upnp configuration I should done?

The problem with Port Forwaring is that your documentation does not match latest version of your firmware. Terminology on device had changed, but terminology in documetation still old.

I am using Advanced mode.
I am using following version of firmware: RUT2_R_00.07.04.3 - checking for firmware update saying this is the latest.

however ON THE DEVICE there are NO “Destination Zone, Destination Address, Destination Port” when creating port forwarding. There are only SOURCE and INTERNAL and I dont understand meaning of these words. What is “Source” and what mean “Internal”? And how documentation terminology can be translated to device terminology?

And to the Mike - I really appreciate your attempt to help, but you are using some third set of terminology, as terms you are using are not present neither on site documentation nor on my RUT240 web ui.

I am at the point, when I have installed UPnP and set it enabled. - camera does not installs.
I have port forwarding for 4 ports, mentioned by google, yet, I have no clue if port forwarding is correct, as “internal” can be camera and “source” can be camera, and even “Destination” can be camera - depends on terminology and point of view.

Please advise on how this form should be filled (each field, please)

Shouldn’t you be able to look at one of the rut240 system logs to determine what the Nest camera is trying to do?

Found logs. No useful info: client connected - I see that camera can connect to wifi, but this is not a news. No info what camera is doing. Connecting, leasing IP, disconnected - this is it.

Hi Egor,

Apologies, my examples were taken from a RUTX50 on firmware 07.06.6, so now I see the dialogue is different to your firmware version.

So, to populate your example …

Name = Nest 11095
Protocol = TCP + UDP (don’t know if Nest relies on ICMP but could add it in aswell, if these 2 don’t work)
Source = wan
Source MAC address = Any
Source IP address = Any
Source Port = Any
External IP Address = Any
External Port = 11095
Internal zone = lan
Internal IP address = [insert the camera IP that you set up as a static IP in DHCP]
Internal port = 11095 (I assume your camera requires the same port number)

Send screen shot if struggling to complete the above.

As an explanation of the boxes, the following can be considered ‘advanced’ options and the first 3 are used to lock down the port to match traffic only from a particular ‘device’ on the wan (internet). As we don’t know these details of the Nest infrastructure, we will accept input from anything that ‘talks’ to us on port 11095 - hence the ‘Any’ setting …
Source MAC address = Any
Source IP address = Any
Source Port = Any
External IP Address = Any

I’m assuming you have the ‘Any’ option for all of the above.

The key ones for you are …
Protocol = TCP + UDP (The ‘usual suspects’ for protocols over the internet)
Source = wan (we are ‘listening’ for traffic coming from the internet)
External Port = 11095 (we are only interested in external internet traffic, with the above protocols, hitting this port)
Internal zone = lan (we are going to forward this traffic to the lan)
Internal IP address = [insert camera IP] (and this is the camera on the lan that we want to forward this traffic to)
Internal port = 11095 (and the camera is ‘listening’ for this forwarded traffic on its own port of 11095)

Good luck

P.S. According to Teltonika there are later firmware versions for the RUT240. I’m assuming they’re also applicable to USA models but may be worth checking first.

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@Egor If - as you say - you’re running 07.04.3, which is soon 1 year old, then you should be able to upgrade your box to the latest 07.06.10 version.
You can download the firmware from here and do a manual upgrade through the WebGUI:

RUT240 Firmware Downloads - Teltonika Networks Wiki

How to upgrade the firmware, you can read here:

RUT240 Firmware - Teltonika Networks Wiki

If that is not working please let us know your product code of the device to further investigate.

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Mike, Thanks you!

TeWe_B, Thank you!