Mqtt/modbus problems TRB255


we use TRB 255’s to send modbus commands to various brands of solar inverters via mqtt (TCP and RTU).
In some cases we have this issue:
if we read the registers locally, via the TRB UI, we get a response, but if we try to read the same registers remotely via mqtt we get only errors. Can someone explain this behaviour? It’seems that the process of converting the mqtt commands to the modbus protocol causes this…

i’ve written about a similar issue in the past and with your help we managed to find a workaround (which involved sending som initialisation commands before the read/write request), altough that time the issue was only present when using modbus TCP.
There’s a similar workaround also for a RTU connecction?

Thanks in advance.

Can anyone help?

some times performing a reading thru the UI seems to “unlock” the issue. I tried to replicate this using the modbus gateway restart Shell command, but in this case without luck. As i said before i think the issue is in the way the mqtt payload gets redirected to the modbus slave. Someone has an idea on how to solve this problem. Thanks a lot.