MQTT Modbus Gateway JSON format


I successfully configured MQTT Modbus gateway and I can send/receive data to Serial device using MQTT broker. There are currently 2 types to send/receive messages:

ASCII - this is working as expected using the format I found on documentation.
JSON - I could not find the required format on documentation


Please provide an example of JSON object that can be used.


Here’s an example of a JSON message that can be used for the MQTT Modbus gateway:

mosquitto_pub -h <MQTT broker IP address> -p 1883 -m '{"cookie": 65432,"type": 0,"host": "","port": 502,"timeout": 1,"server_id": 1,"function": 3,"register_number": 1,"register_count": 1}' -t request

In this example, the "host" IP should be replaced with your Modbus Serial Server’s (slave’s) IP address.

Best regards,

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Thank you!

You’re welcome!

Feel free to reach out if you need further assistance or have additional questions.

Best Regards,