Modbus TCP over serial gateway, dropped connections


I am evaluating TRB256 for a deployment as a Modbus Gateway.

I have a configuration with Modbus TCP over serial Gateway. The device is TRB256 (TRB2M_R_00.07.10.2), serial is RS485. I’m testing with ModbusPoll over TCP/IP.

The connection works well if I use a single client (ModbusPoll).

When I start a second instance of ModbusPoll on my PC and connect to the gateway, all connections are dropped. The gateway does not respond until I manually disconnect and reconnect.

Does the gateway support only one client? Is there something I can configure?


Well, I guess the question is simpler.

Does the Modbus Serial Gateway support multi-master?


The Modbus TCP over Serial Gateway is capable of supporting multiple slave devices. However, it is important to note that only one master device can be configured. This allows the single master to communicate with multiple slave devices through the gateway.

Best regards,

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