Machine network separation/secure machine producer access

Hi all,

we are just doing a feasibility study respecting the future network structure in a production area.
There are the following demands:

  • all machines use an unique private network (except single machines with one network device)
  • access from/to company is controlled by company firewall
  • access from/to machines is controlled by machine firewall on router (here RUTX08)
  • access from/to machines from machine producer is controlled by VPN (here RUTX50) via mobile access
    Please have a look at the network structure, see picture

What has been done until now:

  • the single machines receive an IP address by DHCP and can access their producers server
  • via company network we have access to all routers for management
  • we can have access from company network to devices in the machine networks by using port forwarding

What’s still missing

  • replacing port forwarding by firewall rules to have full access to every single device in machine network
  • configuring VPN on RUTX50 so that every machine producer has access to his machine network

I’d like to know if the missing features are configurable using RUTX08 and RUTX50 and if yes, do some example configs exist and where can I find them.

here is the basic structure:

Thanks for all info, recommendations and hints,

Best Regards,

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