MAC and password based on RUT240 serial

Hello Teltonika-Team,

For RMS I’m dependent on having all required credentials. But the only scannable codes of the router are the serial and the Wi-fi login. Therefore I’m looking for a way to receive the Mac and the password without being dependent on the warehouse to read and transfer them correctly.

Can you provide the routers (RUT240 and RUT241) MAC-adress and password based on the routers serial?


Why can’t you also see the MAC & Password?

I cannot see the MAC and password because I am not handling the router. And unfortunately, the credentials can’t be read by a barcode or qr code reader because they’re just plain text. And just copying and pasting the credentials is too error-prone.

Therefore again: Does Teltonika have the option to provide the MAC and the password based on the routers serial number?

Honestly that doesn’t standard up to any form of security?

If that’s the excuse then It’s very simple really, have someone send you a shot of the router details. Don’t really see what this has to do with Teltonika and the proof you would require to even open a case? You just need to acquire the details from the router, that should be very simple to do.

Are you saying that Teltonika cannot provide the Mac and password based on the serial number? Or are you saying, it’s a security risk and therefore you cannot answer my question?

I’m saying why should they (that is if they can?), you have access to all the details, these routers are obviously yours? So why expect Teltonika to provide details which of course are yes certainly security related?

Because I as a Teltonika customer looking for a solution, which is compatible to my company’s processes.
Could you please provide an answer to my question?

Yes solution is since you somehow have an issue with “copying and pasting the credentials”, have somebody in your company take a snap shot of the router’s Mfg plate/details and have them send that to you, nothing error-prone with that.

Thank you for suggesting an alternative approach to my query. However, I would appreciate confirmation that Teltonika does not store or have access to the MAC addresses or passwords of routers.

Well that very different from the original question? Maybe be up front instead of acting suspicious! Obviously there is a block of MAC addresses that are used by Teltonika but they would not know who owns/bought what router with what MAC, irrelevant question.

As for passwords, the out of the box/default password is unique and then upon startup you are required/forced to set a new password to make the unit operational and secure. Is there another issue?

It is still the same request. part of the question: Does Teltonica has information of the MAC and the default password based on the router’s serial? Yes or No?
2.nd part of the question: What is required to share these credentials for a few hundred routers that are on our stock?