Issue when using failover on RUTX09


I use a RUTX09 router with RUTX_R_00.07.10 firmware installed.
I have set up the WAN interface to use the LAN port to etablish the connection to the network (Physical Settings-> Interface → br-lan (eth0)), and the mob1s2a1 to establish the connection to the network through 4G.
I then configured the failover menu to use wan as primay interface and mob1s2a1 as secondary interface.
The 2 connections are working well and the failover works when I disconnect internet from the LAN port of the router.
The issue is that there is no more connection to the network anymore on my computer connected to the router when switching from wan to mob1s2a1 interface.

This works if I configure the wan interface to use the WAN port to etablish the connection to the network (Physical Settings-> Interface → eth1)

Does anyone already experienced this kind of issue ?
From my point of view there is a bug in the firmware on the router’s side.
Any help would be really appreciated!

Thanks in advance

Hi vmesserette,

Welcome to Teltonika Networks Community!

If you want to use the LAN port as WAN, you have to follow the steps shown in this link. By just changing the interface through physical settings causes conflicts in VLAN assignment.

Let me know if this helps.


Hi Janmiguel,

Many thanks for your help.
I tried to configure LAN port as WAN with the prodecure that you sent me.
Failover works well between the 4G and the WAN interface, and the computer connected to the LAN port of my router well keeps the internet connection when failover occurs, so it works. Thanks !
The issue is that I need to access trough ssh to this computer from another computer connected to the same network, and as far as I know it is not possible if LAN is configured as WAN.
You will fin below an overview of my hardware setup.
Do you know if there is any way to achieve this (keep internet connection on the PC when faiover occurs and allow ssh access to it) ?
Thanks and best regards


Upon failover, Router 1 can’t reach Router 2 via Mobile connection alone. I would suggest you to configure VPN such as Zerotier/TailScale/RMS VPN to reach end devices even if WAN sources change.

You can refer to this link as guides for Zerotier, TailScale or RMS VPN.


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