Is RMS under maintenance right now?

I cannot connect to any devices registered in the RMS. I have 2 separate RMS accounts registered in different countries and every device is giving me this error when I attempt to connect to the webui or cli.

“Selected object is already performing some action.”

The same error is occuring whether I am accessing RMS via LTE or fibre or the office network in either country.

Please help.

---- Update ---- Some devices are just giving a timeout message.


It’s been over 2 hours since this problem started happening and it hasn’t improved.
The same symptoms on every device I have checked, too many to count at this point.

Same problem here!! I need to make modifications on my devices!!, can’t access to webUI!

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Same here. Anyone at Teltonika care to respond?

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Same issue here too.

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Same here. What’s happening?

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Indeed, there were some issues with RMS links this night/morning. However, those issue should be resolved now. If you continue to face any issues with the RMS links, please let me know.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Kind Regards,

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Everything was working normally for a few hours, but it seems to be failing again!

Is there any estimate on how long this might take to resolve?


— update — I am able to log in again now

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