Is my nano SIM card too thick for RUT241?

Hi. Got my RUT241 4G router today.

Problem is, that I cannot slide the SIM holder back into the router after inserting my nano SIM card into the SIM holder, using the SIM adapter kit.

The SIM holder goes inside with the SIM adapter.

But not when the adapter has the nano SIM card in it.

I can feel with my finger, that the thickness of the nano SIM is slightly thicker than the SIM adapter.

Datasheet says the nano SIM adapter itself is 0.67 thick, but it has a transparent film behind it which could be adding extra thickness.

Could this be the reason it doesn’t fit into the slot/what can I do?

This is as far as it can go with the nano SIM inserted:

The nano SIM works normally with my iPhone.


We had the exact same problem today with RUTX50 router.
Ours came as a standard sim which wouldn’t fit in so we reduced it to the micro and nano using the adapters but still wouldn’t fit.
We then put it all back together in the original cardboard surround and press it well down into the holder and it went in.
It definitely wouldn’t go in with the adapters. We also tried a sim out of my phone and that wouldn’t go in.
Sorry if this doesn’t help you much. -but you are not alone.

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About all that transparent film does is stop the Nano SIM from falling through the adapter. SIm cards aren’t made to a standard for no reason. Are you sure it was absolutely seated into the adapter?

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Thanks for the replies!

I ended up taking a small kitchen knife and cutting out the film.

Nano SIM fits in and works now.

An accurate cut is not easy, but I scraped off the remaining plastic bits for a snug fit.


SIM thickness is standard, and if these full size standard adapters work for me then why aren’t they working for others? I would question they are not being fully seated?

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Thanks. It was indeed the film that needed to be removed.

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