Ipv6 dns servers being assigned via dhcp

I am running a Rut240 which is responsible for DHCP and I have a seperate DNS server on my lan.

For some reason the rut240 is returning an ipv6 DNS server via DHCP even though I have not configured it to do so.

There does not appear to be an option to disable this.

Can somebody please help?


Looks like to determine the root cause of this issue, we’ll need the troubleshoot file. In this way, it will be easier to determine why it is returning an IPv6 address. Since troubleshooting contains private information, we’ll handle it on a separate platform. Instructions for accessing it have been sent to the email you registered for this forum.

Kind regards,

thanks @Marijus but I haven’t received anything


I have resent you the instructions.

Kind regards,

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