Ipsec vpn tunnel breaks local lan

Hi Teltonika Team,

I have a similar issue as possibly described in here, sadly the forum is no longer available, so I cannot confirm

Similar post:
“IPSec tunnel kills local LAN - Crowd Support Forum”

The issue is when I establish an IPsec tunnel with phase 2 selectors are the local lan and the destination is, basiclaly any, this is because the other end is a Vm installed on a virtual server it has no lan as such, just pure wan interface and that’s all.

Once the tunnel establishes, the lan and the management of the teltonika router goes down completely I can bring it back by terminating the tunnel on the other end.

what is strange that this behaviour I never observed configuring any other devices like, a fortigate or pfsense.

I am not using “default route” options, as my plan is to only send a few public Ips via the tunnel via a static route configuration, but I am not sure why the whole lan goes down in the 1st place?

thank you


Thanks for reaching out!

When you put as a remote subnet in IPsec configuration, basically all the traffic flows from the IPsec tunnel.
You can add LAN network to passthrough in advanced settings in IPsec.

Please let me know if any further help is needed on that topic.


Hi Caner,

thank you it did do the trick, however all the internet traffic now goes via the ipse tunnel, I did not tick the box for the default route, I used the static route and point 2 public ip addresses via the tunnel but it did not do anything, all the traffic for the internet goes via the ipse tunnel now

is that by design or a bug?

thank you


I’m glad it did the trick.
This is by purpose actually. When you put to the remote subnet on IPsec, all the traffic flows on the IPsec tunnel.

Kind Regards,

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