I need to access my RUT901 device through static IP

Hello everyone,

I have a RUT01 with static IP sim, but I can’t access the device in the browser.
I need to remotely configure the device by IP (example: 10.203.25.xx).

I already changed the access control.
I enabled Masquerading on lan-wan zone.
I configured the APN provided by the ISP.

I can enter WEBUI through Teltonika RMS, create VPN and so on. But I can’t access it through the internet browser, any ideas?

Thank you in advance for your support.


Do your device have a public ip at WAN / SIM CARD?
private ip at WAN / SIM CARD?
172.16.x.x - 172.31.x.x
100.64.x.x - 100.127.x.x


If your device has a public IP, you should be able to access it via its WAN IP. Alternatively, you can set up Dynamic DNS. Ensure that remote access is enabled.

If your device does not have a public IP, you can access it through the RMS platform.

Additionally, you can configure a VPN for accessing the device.

For more information, please refer to our wiki page: Remote Device Access.

Best regards,

Hello Marcelo, the IP of the sim is public, it starts with 10.203.25.xxx.
I’ve already configured the APN from my provider.

Hello Marija, the IP is public. I can also configure it through the RMS platform. But I’m trying to make it direct

Maybe there is some mistake…

ip address 10.x.x.x it is not a public tcp/ip address.
Look at RFC-1918.


As Marcelo mentioned, your IP is not public.

Here’s a ranges of NAT/CG-NAT IP addresses that are classified as private and cannot be utilized for remote device access via their public IP:

Private IP addresses:

  • - (Total Addresses: 16,777,216)
  • - (Total Addresses: 1,048,576)
  • - (Total Addresses: 65,536)

CG-NAT IP addresses:

  • - (Total Addresses: 4,194,305)

To access your device remotely, you should use RMS remote access or create a VPN.

Please let me know if you need an assistance with that.

Best regards,