I cannot change de SIM PIN via ssh

hello, I get an error when I try to change de SIM PIN with this commande line →
gsmctl -A AT+CPWD=“SC”,“1234”,“4321”

Use this: gsmctl -A ‘AT+CPWD=“SC”,“1234”,“4321”’

hello, I get this error →

handle_requests:422] error: Failed to handle AT exec. ERR: Invalid command


You can change your SIM PIN using uci commands. Here is an example to change the PIN for the first SIM card:

uci set simcard.@sim[0].pincode='3124'

After setting the new PIN for the desired SIM card, don’t forget to commit the changes using

uci commit

If you need to change the PIN for the second SIM card, replace [0] with [1] in the command.

I hope this clarifies things for you. Let me know if you have any further questions!

Best Regards,

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