I have accidently disabled VLAN in my RUT956 router. Now the internet is not working in router and I am not able to login to WebUI. I had changed my router IP to to create LAN with my IOT sensors.
I also performed factory reset but still cant access webUI either on or
To restore RUT956 to factory defaults, please hold the reset button for at least 12 seconds while the device is powered on. All signal LEDs need to light up before releasing. The device should be back online in a few minutes after the reset and you should be able to reach it using the address.
You can also use RMS | Remote management system to access the WebUI of a device that is unreachable by LAN. Please keep in mind that the router must be able to reach IP addresses mentioned here: What IP addresses and ports are used by RMS? - Teltonika Networks Wiki and RMS must be enabled in device settings. To enable RMS please go to Services > Cloud Solutions > RMS Settings > Connection type > Enabled.