How to triger SECO after lossing connection with Beacon

Hi there.

I’m a user of FMU 130, FMC130 and FMB920. Using FMC130 I’ve already accomplished several scenarios to protect my motorcycles from assaults and stolen during riding. But always it was combining the tracker using some triggers and a regular alarm system.
Now, I want to replace the basic presence fob of the tradicional alarm system by a Beacon.
Actually, I need help to understand better hot to trigger a SECO scenario (or similar coding some parameters) when the tracker losse the Beacon signal.
Imagine the scenario where I’m riding when the beacon in my pocket, someone assault me, takes my motorcycle and drives away and when the beacon lose signal contact, the fuel pump is turned off.
I tried to do it taking as basis the Inmovilizing Ignition scenario with a rele NA, but it didnt work.

I really appreciatte if you can help me to understand how to implement Beacon in a scenarion of remote engine stop to replace the basic “Presence Fob” of built’in an unstable alarm system.

Thank in advance.

Thank you for reaching us.
Please consider using both scenarios to preserve your motorcycle.

  1. Immobilizer with Beacon:
  • Configure the immobilizer scenario to prevent the motorcycle from starting when the beacon signal is lost. FMC130 Features Settings
  • This ensures the engine cannot be started unless an authorized beacon is detected.
  • Ensure the iBeacon is added to the authorized list in the device configurator.
  1. SECO:
  • Use SECO for manual activation via SMS (secoon) in theft scenarios when the motorcycle is in motion. SECO SMS Commands
  • SECO gradually disables the fuel pump to ensure a safe stop by pulsing DOUT until the motorcycle slows down.
  1. The setdigout command can be used to manually control digital outputs, such as completely disabling the fuel pump, independent of predefined scenarios.
  2. The setigndigout command allows for high-priority control of digital outputs when the ignition is off, enabling actions such as disabling the fuel pump.

This combination provides automatic startup prevention and a manual override for in-motion theft scenarios. Note: SECO has DOUT control priority higher than immobilizer scenario.

Best regards,

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