Hello Teltonika-Team,
I am working on a Projekt for a Building Monitoring System with you RUT955 at its heart.
I am trying to read out several Data via Modbus TCP Client which works fine (see picture)
After that is use Data to Server to send the Data to the MQTT Broker on the RUT955 (see pictures)
Now of course to monitor a building i will have SEVERAL more components and MODBUS Registers to read.
For example:
only for this one Energymeter i need at least 3 data register read (see picure)
I created 3 different collections in the Data to Server, but if I now have to add 20 additional components with 4-5 Modbus registers to read, this will be a huge configuration workload.
Am I missing something or do you have other compoments/ideas on how to ease up this process?
Happy new Year and Greetings
You could simplify the configuration a bit.
You do not need 3 different collections for separate data registers from the same energy meter.
Let’s say you have the same three requests configured for a single energy meter:
When creating Data to server configuration, modify the Segment count
option to match the number of requests, which would be 3.
In addition, create a custom format string, to send request names with the data values to differentiate between the data. An example could be:
Here is how it looks in the configuration:
In addition with the following Collection configuration
Data to server
is reduced to a single instance:
Finally, this is what gets sent to the local MQTT broker:
Best regards,
Hi Sigismundus,
thanks for the awesome tipp that saved alot of conf. time.
Now i ran into another problem which is that i am reading registers of a Huawai SUN2000 inverter but as there is also another enegymanagment hardware communicating parallel with the RUT it seems that i have some bus crashes (wrong values, connection lost message from the manager hardware etc.)
Now is was wondering if there is some other function i didnt know about RUT955 or if teltonika also has a hardware to offer which is doing the Modbus Client - Server communication scheduling?
Thank you