GPS location to iPad

I have a RUTM50 router with an external GPS antenna. I use it for a hotspot on camping and boating trips.
The device finds its location which is displayed in the WebUI.

How do I get the location information to a iPad or PC connected to the device WLAN?



You can still access the device’s WebUI from your iPad and PC when connected to the device’s wireless network. To do this, go to System → Administration → Access Control and enable remote HTTP access. Once connected to the device’s Wi-Fi, you can access its WebUI using its LAN IP.

Additionally, you can check the device’s location (on a map) via the RMS platform. More information can be found on our wiki pages:

If you’d like to receive an SMS with the device coordinates on your phone (or iPad if it has a SIM card), you can use SMS Utilities. Simply send a message containing <admin_password> gps to the router’s SIM card phone number, and it will reply with the coordinates.

Please let me know if you have any further questions!

Best regards,

Sure I can see my location accessing the device’s WebUI from my iPad and PC.
Sorry I wasn’t clear enough, how can I make my iPad find it’s location based on router’s GPS information.
The iPad doesn’t have cellular network, only WLAN.



Unfortunately, it is not possible for an iPad to directly use GPS data from the RUTM50 for location services. However, you can use location-sharing apps, like Maps, which approximate the iPad’s location based on nearby Wi-Fi networks (including the RUTM50).

Additionally, I recommend checking out this wiki page on RUTM50 GPS.

Best regards,