Forwarding network Traffic to Alias IP

Hi put a message here a couple of weeks ago and it has automatically closed, so I am going to post it again.
I am trying forward web traffic to an alias IP address, I use port 8000 forwarded to port 80.
My ‘main’ lan is on the 192.168.221.# with the router as, my alias IP address is 2.0.0.# with the router having an IP address of
I have the port forwarding setup and that seems to work on an IP address that is not in the alias IP range. Through the command line I can ping the device on the alias IP address range but I cannot forward to it.
Everything else is fresh out the box, as I reset the router before setting it up (again) to make sure there weren’t any stray settings.
Any help would be really appreciated.

Hello Steve,

maybe you could draw a topology to better understand what are you trying to do?

I want to clarify, is the 2.0.0.# range is from LAN interface or was it given out by your ISP and is on WAN interface?

If it is LAN interface, 2.0.0.# is in public IP range, so that could be the conflict, why you are not able to forward to it, as it could be that you are pinging other device on the internet, not your router in this case. To read more about Private and Pubic IP addresses you can check out our article: Private and Public IP Addresses

I would try to change the IP’s from 2.0.0.# to other private IP range, in this case maybe 10.10.1.# and then try out the port forwarding.

As for port forwarding, refer to this guide: Port Forwarding - Teltonika Networks Wiki

I will kindly wait for your answer,

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