Seem to remember reading somewhere that when the firmware was upgraded to 7.12 login would by default redirect from a HTTP connection to a HTTPS connection.
This hasn’t happened, has there been a change of mind?
Seem to remember reading somewhere that when the firmware was upgraded to 7.12 login would by default redirect from a HTTP connection to a HTTPS connection.
This hasn’t happened, has there been a change of mind?
You mean this?
Scroll down to 2024.12.09: Transition to HTTPS protocol RutOS 7.12
That’s correct, after upgrade I was expecting to be redirected to a https connection and it didn’t happen.
Can you check if deleting browser cache or open your router’s landing page in a new private browser window will help?
Thank you for your reply. I’d already tried this, but at the same time I expected changes within the router to have changed too. Automatic enabling of https access and redirection after firmware update reboot.
Https access redirect hasn’t been auto enabled, this is something that hasn’t happened.
Should it have done? When I try enabling both settings it works but also fails with a message saying that there is a certificate error.
When I have time later today I’ll provide more details.
Did you update FW with keep settings?
Yes I did, always do.
If you update with keep settings, it’s going to overide the defaults with your current settings.
It would seam that i cannot create a certificate. However, what a dreadful way and thing to have to do just to access your router!? How bizarre.
Allso found this:
There is an additional option in the key dropdown menu: uhttpd.key.
For some reason i no longer have any certificates or keys at all!!
I can no longer access the router via a browser, the router is no longer responding.
However, i can access the router using Putty.
Can access to the router via a browser be restored from the command prompt?
I still have access to the wider internet and a USB connected hard drive, however i have a scheduled reboot in 20 minutes! Hope this doesn’t compound my problem further!?
The scheduled reboot has taken place and hasn’t compounded the problem any further. I have internet access, i can still get a ssh connection using putty. I still do not have access to the router via a web browser, browser / connection times out.
Can access to the router via a browser be restored from the command prompt, or would a reset in some way be a better option? If so, which reset option should i go for?
When i try to connect to the router using chrome on my android smartphone, i get the following message:
This site can’t provide a secure connection. uses an unsupported protocol.
The Client and server don’t support a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite.
My only suggestion is do a factory reset, which will clear any self-generated certs and reinstate the default certs for ADMINISTRATION > ACCESS CONTROL > HTTPS under ‘Server certificate’ and ‘Server key’.
If you installed the certificate in Windows, then it’s probably best you uninstall it before generating the new certs using the Simple method.
Re-run through my instruction sheets (which are proven to work).
It should be noted that I have updated the last page to prompt you to backup the self-generated certificates (new step 6), as they do not persist after a Factory Reset and will need uploading.
The Simple method generates 6 certificates, which will need backing-up, and are:
ca.cert.pem - use this same file on both, the server e.g. the RUTX50, and client e.g. Windows PC - this is the Certificate Authority file.
server.cert.pem - used on the server e.g. the RUTX50, as the server certificate.
server.key.pem - used on the server e.g. the RUTX50, as the server key.
client.cert.pem - used in a client’s configuration file, as the client certificate.
client.key.pem - used in client’s configuration file, as the client key.
dh.pem - used on the server e.g. the RUTX50, as the Diffie Hellman parameters file.
Thank you so much Mike. It going to be a factory reset I think.
After which I’ll stick with basic http access if I don’t get a https connection without all the unnecessary messing about! Bizzare indeed.
To avoid having to rework out how to recreate a samba server for a USB hard drive, reset up reboot schedules sms alerts etc I’ll wait a while to see if someone comes forward with a way of creating certificates via the command prompt. After which I’ll explore how and where to recreate my reboot schedules etc before doing a factory reset to be sure all’s well.
What will happen when I do a factory reset? Will the router keep the latest current firmware for both the router and modem or return them to the firmware it was shipped out with from the factory?
If I have to update the firmwares (both) again, is it best to do the router first, then the modem afterwards?
Firmware of router and modem are being kept of course.
Just the config itself will be reset to default.
Other than that - always router first and then modem - if you have to.
A long shot …
Probably best to delete the ca.cert file that you imported browser / windows first, if you haven’t already done so.
If the device is authenticating to RMS ok, try accessing the UI via RMS.
If it works, go to SYSTEM > ADMINISTRATION > ACCESS CONTROL > GENERAL > HTTPS and reinstate the default certificates, using the settings below.
Certificate files from device = on
Server certificate = uhttpd.crt
Server key = uhttpd.key
Thank you, Mike,
Didn’t get as far as importing any certificate because whilst following instructions to create a certificate an error occurred followed by the disappearance of existing certificates, then i was promptly thrown out and was unable to get back in again.
Not subscribing to an RMS service.
I can get access to my router using Putty, therefore i have a command line chance of recovery if that’s possible.
There maybe a command that i can execute to recreate certificates, possibly, maybe!!?
Hoping someone with addition knowledge may be able to offer a command that i can use.