Firmware 7.10 fixes Tailscale update bug!

Just a PSA for anyone who might have been following or affected by this:

I just tested the latest firmware 7.10 (which embeds tailscale 1.70) and subsequently updated Tailscale to the latest 1.76 version, and all is happy again in the Web UI.

Thanks Teltonika for fixing this bug!

I will appreciate when they will allow to set accept-dns to false!! :slight_smile:

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@pau.nadeu Agreed! We need accept-dns to be configurable in the UI.

@pau.nadeu I have the same need (I require accept-dns to be disabled) so for now until or unless Teltonika will provide us a GUI option for this, I came up with this poor man’s workaround:

Create a script, save to e.g. /etc/tailscale_disable_dns


command -v tailscale &>/dev/null || exit 1
if [ -e /etc/resolv.pre-tailscale-backup.conf ]; then
  tailscale set --accept-dns=false

Make executable:

chmod +x /etc/tailscale_disable_dns

Add crontab entry (runs every 5 min, adjust as needed):

*/5 * * * * /etc/tailscale_disable_dns &>/dev/null

Add entry to /etc/rc.local:

# Put your custom commands here that should be executed once
# the system init finished. By default this file does nothing.


exit 0

Restart cron:

/etc/init.d/cron restart

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