Event reporting - add further prerequisites for a trigger to fire?

Dear Teltonika Team, dear Users,

For event reporting, is it possible to add further prerequisites for a trigger to fire?

E.g., I set up an email alert in case of WAN failover. However, since I have scheduled my RUTX11 to reboot evry night at 00:00, I always get an event email at ~00:02 about WAN failover, which of course happens due to the reboot.

My idea was that the event message about the WAN failover is only sent during a specified time, and I would then like to explicitly tell the event report service to only send tha WAN failover message between 00:02 and 23:58 (approximately, would need to test).

Does it make sense what I’m asking about? Would this be possible somehow?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Kind regards

Hi 7wells,

You can achieve this by creating a simple script where you will enable/disable the configured events reporting instance. Then you will run the script at a specified time before and after the scheduled reboot using Crontabs.

Useful UCI commands (uci show events_reporting to see existing instances)

uci set events_reporting.@rule[0].enable='0'
uci commit events_reporting

You can check these links for Scripting and Crontabs as a guide.

Let me know if this helps.


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Highly appreciated - thank you so much! :+1:

I wonder whether Teltonika could add such great hints as part of a collection of use cases. :wink: I’m going to store it in my gists list at GitHub.

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