Hello, I’m having a problem registering a RUT 901 on RMS. The router is connected to the Internet and works fine. However, it refuses to connect to RMS. The firmware is up to date, but it requires an authentication code that RMS does not provide. On the RMS page of the router’s WEB UI, the message “Failed (network unreachable)” is displayed. Can you help?
Hello, I will be happy to try to help you solve your problem.
- Here are the instructions for adding a device to RMS, please check if you did something wrong when adding the device.
How to add devices to RMS? - Teltonika Networks Wiki](How to add devices to RMS? - Teltonika Networks Wiki)
Please check if DNS resolves the RMS hostname: System → Administration → Troubleshoot->Method->NSlookup, enter the address: rms.teltonika-networks.com, and press ‘perform’. (or just add DNS to the wan interface). → Additionally, you can try configuring DNS servers manully in Network → WAN → edit mob1s1a1 interface → Advanced settings. There, you can configure custom DNS servers. In this case, I would recommend using Google’s and Cloudflare’s DNS servers - and, respectively.
If this does not work and it shows the same error, you could try using Telnet command from CLI to check if the device can establish the connection to RMS on those ports, and send me screenshots of the RMS page on the router and the output of the Telnet commands.
Link What IP addresses and ports are used by RMS: What IP addresses and ports are used by RMS? - Teltonika Networks Wiki
Link Command Line Interfaces : Command Line Interfaces - Teltonika Networks Wiki
Example command, when it is successful:
Please, check what type of wan Mode you have: NAT, Bridge, Passthrough. With Bridge, RMS will not work. https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/view/RUT906_WAN#Mode:_NAT.
If you can reset the router to default settings and add it again, try removing the device and adding it again.
Best Regards,
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